April 2018 Newsletter

 We missed you at the meeting!  We had 15 in attendance, that wasn’t too bad for a rainy weather meeting!  We now have 77 member forms for 2018. That doesn’t include spouses and children.  We are doing great on membership. Thank you to all who have joined in 2018.

  Still haven’t joined but want to?  Go to the website idahopahtfinders.org. You can download a membership application or a sponsorship application. Sponsorships are SILVER:$75 for one family, GOLD: $125 for 2 families, PLATINUM $250 for 3 families.  This includes recognition in all IPA advertising, on IdahoPathfinders.Org website, Facebook and at events. Your support is appreciated!!! 

 A BIG THANK YOU TO YOUR SPONSORS!  Platinum sponsor Central Idaho Properties Real Estate in Grangeville, CentralIdahoProperties.com and our Silver sponsor Swiftwater RV Park, SwiftWaterrv.com, in White Bird.


  Pittsburg Landing  BBQ- Mary Mangold, Brenda Heckman, Dean Heckman, Bob Mangold, Todd Stenzel, Dick Brust, and so many wonderful people that brought food and helped set up & clean up.  You made a big job small because of your help, it’s very much appreciated!  31 wonderful people attended the BBQ.  What a beautiful day! We made a little money for our coffers… $104.00 from food donations, $27.00 on 50/50 tickets, $27.00 donation (Todd donated his 50/50 winnings).

  To the village of people that donate their time and money to keep the club going.  You can’t imagine how much time they give.

   Todd Stenzel for donating back your 50/50 winnings!

   Dean Heckman, Bob Hafer and Don Eckford and many others for all your help with the trail information and history that we can’t remember or don’t know about!

   A HUGE THANK YOU to all the members that called and changed over to internet newsletters and cancelled snail mail! You’re saving the club a lot of money and RaWanda a lot of time.

   If anyone was missed in the thank you’s it’s not intentional, let RaWanda know and she’ll get ‘em thanked!!!

Check out the Idaho Pathfinders Calendar at IdahoPathfinders.org

SCHEDULED:  July 21st or 22nd. Don Eckford Heading up-French Creek Burgdorf Kerry Creek. THANK YOU DON!  September 8th & 9th ATV/UTV Dinosaur Ride through the big Cedar Trees.  More info to come.

Suggested Rides: New meadow-Hazzard lake-Eagle Ride. Cow Creek Ride;Lucille-Saddle-Cold Springs-Center Ridge.  Possible BBQ along with it at the Junction at Iron Thorn. Riggins to Darby Montana. Will be scheduled when we have a better idea of the weather.

TRAIL CLEAN UP:   Big Canyon Clean Up Ride will be rescheduled-TBD weather watch.  Kirkwood Clean Up Ride is scheduled for April 14th-Weather permitting. Please let us know if you are going to try to be there, give us your phone number so we can let you know if it gets cancelled due to weather.  We don’t want to do more harm that good.

GRANTS Brenda Heckman has been working on getting the club a POLARIS T.R.A.I.L.S. grant for operating expenses. She did it!!! Great Job Brenda (and Todd Stenzel for helping).  Polaris has a GPS system-GPX that will have interactive maps and can be put on our webpage. State of Idaho Parks and Rec trails. Brenda is working on two more grants, this time for trails…it’s a lot of time and work, thank you Brenda.

WEBSITE Mary Mangold – Wild Web West is going to try to get us a grant to update the website and has been working diligently to get auto fill forms, electronic signature and paypal/charge card set up on our site… it’ll be so EZ!

 NEWSLETTER This is the last mailed newsletter unless you have contacted RaWanda and let her know you don’t have a computer/internet.  Her number is 208-983-3517. Newsletters will be available at the monthly meetings.  If you know anyone needing help signing up on line please let RaWanda know and she’ll help out.

Hope you can make the next meeting on MAY 02, 2018Location: Pizza Factory Meeting Room 126 Main Street Grangeville.  

NOTE:  Potluck Meeting June 6th in White Bird at the recreation center watch calendar/newsletter for the time. THANK YOU DEAN AND BRENDA for providing the hamburgers! Please bring a side dish 🙂  Happy Trails!

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