Designated Routes and Areas for Motor Vehicle Use (DRAMVU) Project


Click the above link to open a pdf file representing a briefing paper that was distributed at the ATV Club meeting at Hoots on March 7, 2012 by Ralph Rau and Jenny Fischer.   The FEIS will present and analyze seven alternatives, listed in the document.

CURRENT STATUS:  The Forest is currently in consultation with US Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries.  AFter the Biological Opinions are received, the Forest will officially release the DRAMVU Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) The FEIS preferred alternative is Alternative 5.

Alternative 5 provides a mix of motorized and non-motorized opportunities.  This alternative responds to public comments about providing motorized and non-motorized use opportunities, while moving toward the standards and objectives for wildlife resources and other management areas.  Road and trail designations would reduce the number of miles available for motorized use by designations and a change in the season of use.


For more info, click the link at the top where additional sources of information are provided in a link.


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