February 2017 Idaho Pathfinders Newsletter

It’s the month of Love, You either love snow or you don’t. Can’t change the weather so we must live with it. Don’t forget Valentines Day On the 14th. Dinner and I love you goes a long ways.


Well back to business. The meeting was quick, lasted about 45 min. Nothing happening at this time to report on. We just did a lot of talking to the Forest Service on ideas or questions for our area.

Don E. the President talk to Cheryl with the Forest Service about the travel plane and the section up behind Elk City that we want opened up.  She thought at this time that the Travel plan should be done by June if we are lucky.  We will just have to wait and see.


Don E. also talked to Jeremy H with the Forest Service about Anderson Butt. But at that time Jeremy couldn’t answer on it. But said to get ahold of  the Red River Ranger District and they could tell us more on what is going to be done.


Don also got to meet the NEW Assistant Supervisor for trails. They talked a lot about the trails in this area and He would like to go with us this summer and learn the loops. Then we can put in some things that we would like to see done.


Dave G. is still working hard on the North and South trail system. They are looking at some new routs. He will be retiring soon. So we hope to use that to our advantage and get him to go some of the big wig meetings for us. Like the Snake River/Wallowa Whitman project. We need to stay afloat with that. Steve D. the Vic Pres. For us has been going on behalf of us. But We need Dave and his knowledge in there.


Last but not least did everyone get the survey card in the mail.



As an OHV owner and Idaho outdoor recreation enthusiast, your voice is needed to assist policymakers in determining whether there is any support for, or need, to make changes to Idaho’s OHV sticker program, particularly in regard to fees.  Concepts currently under consideration include imposing a sticker fee on non-residents, raising Idaho resident sticker fees, and other related issues.  The Idaho Recreation Council, in partnership with the Idaho State ATV Association and Idaho Trail Machine Association, is conducting an outreach campaign to determine what Idaho OHV users think and want.  We need your help.  Please visit a special website created for this issue to learn more information, and to find a link to a survey where your input can be provided.  Responses are due no later than February 28, 2017.


PLEASE VISIT http://idahostateatv.org/IdahoOHVSurvey.pdf


The passcode to take the survey is StayOnTrails

Don’t forget that dues are due for 2017. $15.00 per person or $20. per family. Mail it and the Membership for to Idaho Pathfinders Association, P.O. Box 53, White Bird Idaho 93554

The first club BBQ will be in March. 12th. Leaving the old Mill Sight after 9:00 am. (near White Bird, follow signs)No sign in just ride over on your time. We will be cooking around NOON over  in the campground. $5.00 for a hamburger and trimmings. We are asking members to bring a dish to share. You don’t need to be a member to join us. ATV, UTV and Motorcycles this is on the main road over. Remember your stickers and follow the guild lines for OHV users. See you over there!!

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