February’s Newsletter 2020

February’s meeting was called to order @ 6:05 by Dean Heckman Vic President. (Todd the President was on his way.) There were ten members that attended the snowy wintery night @ the Pizza Factory. Thank you

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

Dean read the min. From December’s meeting. Larry made a motion to accept the min. And Less second it.

We would like to thank the following 2019 Sponsors: 

Platinum Sponsor: Central Idaho Properties-Grangeville, Buds Powersports-Cottonwood

Gold Sponsor: Gosselaar Powersports- Grangeville

Silver Sponsors: P.J. Walker- Lewiston, Rick Lieptz- Pollock, Elk Creek- Cabins-Karen Crosby in Elk City

2020 Silver Sponsors for Swiftwater RV White Bird 

Treasurer’s Report was read. Larry made a motion to accept the treasure report and Nick second it.      Dean will be getting back to RaWanda on the return money from the DR. 

Todd came in and took over. 

Correspondence is: 1.Wild Web Design from Mary. RaWanda talked about how much it will cost to upgrade the Web page at this time. VS if it crashes because it is outdated. If done by April 30, 2020 it will cost $1800. Britta made a motion to pay and update the web page. Larry second it. The money will come out of the grant Brenda got for office supplies. 

2. Is the Forest Service on the Travel Plan Alternatives. We have been trying to keep things updated on the IPA web page of meetings and the alternatives or where to go to get information. There is a petition on the Alternatives and for the wilderness part. There are a few trails that are in question on what is going to happen in the Elk City area. If interested in more information on the petition stop by Central Idaho Properties and ask Todd. We, IPA, will be getting our comments in soon. 

3. We are trying to keep up with Cascade Parking lot issues as they come around. Sum of the information is coming from south Idaho. But at this time if we don’t keep up on it. Sooner or later their problems head our direction. At this time, we will be working/writing letters with the Idaho State ATV Club to keep them open.

4.  Jeremy Harris contacted Brenda back on the trail ranger program email she sent out concerning the payment that has not come around. Brenda had to turn it in again. He also asked if we had anymore trails that we worked on for the year. Brenda contacted a few of the head trail crew members for their input. She will be sending in an invoice soon to get this done. 

5. Thank you to RaWanda for getting the banking in line so we could file 2019 taxes. 1/31/20

Rides: the Pittsburgh Landing Ride is set for March 15th. The club will be cooking hamburgers and Hot dogs from 11-1 at the Campground ($5.00 Donation). Bring your own drinks. We are asking that all members please bring a dish to share. The club will be buying 250 hamburgers, and 50 hot dogs.  We will also be putting on a solve the question by clues for the ride in. So watch for the signs or pictures. 

Other club rides will be scheduled soon. 

Insurance: At this point the club is looking for club insurance and officer insurance for the club. This will be in need, in order to put on rides.  Todd will be looking into this. We are hoping Dave G. will be able to help us out with a place or names. 

Tri Fold brochure committee will bring something back to the table. There was a little confusion about the mapping. At this time it would be best to put the link on it for GPS or googling for trails. We still have the paper maps to send out if needed. ( Long time ago we were asked not to put out a brochure with the maps on it from the forest service.)

Thank you to Gerry noticing that we need to update the meeting update information on the web page. 

Meeting was Adjourned Less made a motion and Britta second it. 

Thank you to everyone for coming to the meeting and to all those that helped out in 2019

Next meeting is March 4, 2020 @ the Pizza Factory 7:00pm 

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