House Bill 437

HOUSE BILL 437.  As most of you know, HB437 proposed to eliminate the state operated trails program and to move our sticker fee money to county management.  ISATVA took a position in opposition to this move.  We were joined by the Idaho Recreation Council, Idaho State Snowmobile Association, Idaho Association of Counties and Idaho Sheriff’s Association.  The committee hearing on that bill was held yesterday.  Many club presidents appeared.  Frank Axtell came down from Coeur d’Alene and provided testimony.  It was a packed room, but we made our point.  The bill was unanimously rejected by the committee.  A special thank you to all those that took time to educate others, write letters, send emails and to testify.  We could not have been so successful without your support.
OTHER LEGISLATION.  We have proposed a bill that will clarify penalty provision for not getting a sticker, and that will allow our sticker moneys to be used for IDPR to acquire recreational trail easements.  This should move through without a problem.  Rep. Terry Gestrin (R-Donnelly) is placing final touches to our highway use bill.  It should be coming out soon.  This will clarify that OHVs can operate on highways within city limits where the speed limit is 45 mph or less.  It will also extend that privilege for 1 mile outside city limits, and will allow us to legally cross a state highway anywhere at public road intersections.  There have been no developments as yet on the raffle issue previously brought to your attention.

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