Idaho Pathfinders December 6th, 2017 Newsletter

Merry Christmas Everyone and a Happy New Year!!

December’s meeting was called to order December 6th, 2017 @ the Pizza Factory meeting room in Grangeville. There was 22 members that attended.

Min. from the last meeting were read along with the Banking.

  1. Was the the Saw class people: Steve Dauglish, Rick Lieptiz, Larry Whitecomb and Dean Heckman finally got their  cards. They took the class back in June. Because of the fires this year the cards took longer to get. Thank you to those men for taking the class and the first aid class.

Bob Haifer suggest for the next saw class to get ahold of the Idaho Parks and Recreation to see if they would give us the class. We will table this at this time and See in the spring what or if the Trail Ranger Program is there. Every year it is iffy if the funding will be available.


2.Insurance: It was brought up by the Likkel Insurance to have at the bottom of the waiver/dues sheet to have about (do you have Insurance? And have them mark or put who their carrier is.) This way the club would know who has insurance on their machines for the rides. But after some discussion This was voted on and TURNED DOWN. We will be leaving the waiver/due’s paper the way it is.   

Next was talked about the cost of Insurance for the club. We are checking around for cheaper insurance. But at this time we are having trouble finding anyone to carry the club. With staying where we are, we are looking at about $1000 increase for 2018. That is without adding any more rides and keeping the membership count the same. At this time the club will be looking at scaling back for the insurance. (If Dave C. with insurance in Boise, finds out anything. That will be brought back to the next meeting)


3.Slate Creek Project: January 3, 2017 is a meeting with the Forest Service on the Timber Sales and restoration. Don E. will be going to the meeting that night. And Bring back information to the club.


4.Bullion Mine Trail: Bob H. brought it to our attention that the brushing is done and trees cleaned out. But the Trail head needs the rocks back in place to mark the 50” or less. They were widen out when the firework was being done.We will send Jeremy an email about this problem.


  1. Election of Officers for 2018: Before we started Steve brought up to let slide for a month, till we could find out about the Snowcat club and us combining. If we did this would cut back on meetings for us, We would start cleaning trails and work when they (snowdrifters were done), and end when they would start their meeting in October. If we did this it would cut back on meetings and membership dues for some of us. And they could help us with our rides and we could help them with theirs.

After discussing it, It was voted and passed to go ahead and put in place the 2018 officers and to drop the idea of combining the clubs. So we took nominations, some said ok, while others declined.

So with that we,  Welcome the following people into place in January’s meeting: Todd Stenzel as President, Bob Mangold as the Vic. President and Sec./Treasure RaWonda Goehring. They have stepped up to the plate to help the club out. Thank you to them.


Now with knowing what the club is doing. . We are accepting memberships now. The memberships did go up this year. $20 per person or $25 for the family living under the same roof.  Dues may be mailed to Idaho Pathfinders Association, P.O. Box 53, White Bird, ID 83554. Emails are [email protected].  Membership forms have been mailed out to everyone that paid dues in 2017. I will be going off the membership forms. (Hope I can read them all).

Next Meeting is January 3, 2017 in Grangeville @ the Pizza Factory 7:00pm.


Meeting dates for 2018 (January 3rd, March 7th, May 2nd, June 6th, August 1st, October 3rd, December 5th. first Wed. @ 7:00pm)

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