Idaho Pathfinders December’s 2016 Newsletter

Happy Holidays everyone. Sorry the newsletter is coming out so late. I have been just a little busy.
There was 10 members at Decembers short meeting.
Went over the min. from the last meeting, were the Forest Service brought down a revised copy or answered question copy to the DRAMVU. At that meeting (Novembers IPA meeting) we went over each ATV trail that we commented on. With that At this meeting we decided to write a letter asking about the piece that is not finished or cleared out from Black Hawk to 541. And A few more things around Meadow creek area. That was said to be done, but never has. We will be sending a letter this month.
Another thing was the opening dates for McComas Meadows: We wished to see more of the trails opened up before memorial day. But only go a few. This will not be good for those camping up in that area.
Nomination for Officers: It was voted and passed around the table to keep the old ones in for another year: Don Eckford for Pres., Vic. Pres. Steve Dauglish, and Sec./Treasure Brenda Heckman. If anyone out there would like to step up and help out or won’t one of these positions PLEASE speak up.
Another topic that is big: What to do with over 50″ on the ATV trails. You and every one is seeing. There is more and more bigger machines on trailers. A few of the members are meeting them on the ATV trails. They are bigger and have troubles getting over or off to the side of the road. Not to mention they are breaking down the side of the trails. We have suggested to the Forest Service about opening some of the old logging trails for those machines. But there answer to that is, How do they monitor that. When opening up larger then 50″ that opens it up to full size vehicles as well. How do they gate/barrier for the UTV’s over 50″. It will be interesting when trails are opened up for the season in 2017.
Next meeting will be January 4th of 2017 @ 7:00pm Hoot’s café.

Rides for 2017 (so Far) March or April Annual BBQ down at Pittsburg Landing,
June @ Fish Creek a Fun Run (Date will be determined closer to June do to the snow)
May 20th will be host a HOT SPOT/show and Shine in White Bird (This will have information
about trails, Dealers with their new OHV’s , and a show and shine.)
The club will once again have 90 ++ miles of trails to clean for the Forest Service. Plus at this time one contract job to finish the 313 trail to Adams. We are hoping for more.

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