Idaho Pathfinders January’s 2014 Newsletter

January 2014

Idaho Pathfinders Association

P.O. Box 53

White Bird ID 83554

[email protected]


This a repeat from last month: ok and last was the talk about the news letter.  We are still having trouble with people receiving the letter. You either change our e-mail or you forgot the pass word. The mailing to those that need it is fine. But we don’t want to mail out all the news letter Cost for stamps would be outrages. And the new sec. would not want to fold, stamp, or staple that many copies. So the mailing will stay the same. But the e-mails will be changing. Starting in March you will be having to go the web page to get you news letter. We will be working with Mary to take off the pass word part. The e-mail will stop. But if you would like to have some of the quick e-mail out (Brief things that I pass along). You might want to make sure your e-mail is on the membership form. We are hoping this will stop the bounce backs and the things like I didn’t get it.  We hope that all members pay their dues. So we can keep going. The club reply’s on the dues for mailings and insurance. Plus we need the membership Numbers for writing letters to keep things open.


    1. UTV’s on trails: Still there has been NO decision on the ruling about UTV’s on trails. Dean, Rick, Dave and Del have been trying hard to get a meeting with Rick Brazil. But nothing yet. We have heard that they are talking about it in the Forest Service. But nothing concrete  yet. But as soon as we do hear anything concrete we will pass it along. We hope something comes out before riding this summer.
    2. Bud’s Saw shop Open House: It looks like it will be some  time this spring. But the Idaho Pathfinders are stepping up to the plate to help out with it. We will be offering our services of the BBQer and  cooks’. After a lot of discussion on what to serve, how much and when. We have come up with donating $500 to Bud’s so they can buy what they want us to cook and how much. This will be our membership drive/awards time for  IPA members. The time for that is being decided. Our services with the BBQer is a thank you to Bud’s Saw shop for all they do for the club.
    3. Next some of the members wanted to talk about a steak  ride for the year. But in November and December we asked for rides and NO  one turned any in. So in Dec. meetings all rides were set. Now with that we did say to mention about the Away ride we could bring the BBQ for steaks. But all steaks will be spoken for ahead of time. Several places were talked about and will be decided next meeting. (but it is already on the insurance, we just need to set the date and place) here is some of theplaces talked about. (Camp 60, Camp 60, Three Rivers, Yellow Pine, Wiepe area, Coolwater, Dorshack) If you have any other place you might want to see on the list to vote on next month. Please email or call BEFORE the next meeting. February 5th.
    4. Insurance Liability Court issue: We talked about the state wide Insurances but they don’t carry enough liability for us.  (Forest Service requires). We talked about the Supreme Court Decision letter that came out. We believe along with Likkle Insurance there can be to many loop holes or wording that could still get us in trouble. So we      will be staying the same.
    5. Dean went over the Yakima Trail letter that we wrote in support of to Josh.
    6. March 16th will be the Hamburger Ride to Pittsburg. That is the day White Bird will be doing their Joe Wilson’s Saint Patty’s day  Breakfast. We did it a couple years ago on the same day. And most people had a great time. They went to the Breakfast then came over to us for  lunch.  We will be getting 120 Hamburgers and 50 Hotdogs to serve over at Pittsburg landing.  We will like always ask members to bring a dish to share.
    7. Officers for 2014 are: Dean Heckman Pres., Vic. Pres.  Rick Lieptz, and Sec./ Treasure Brenda Heckman.  All three were voted and past to stay in there another year. With help from other club members to help out through the year.
    8. We talked about the Lawsuit that was in the paper about  the trail closures. No body at the meeting new any of the trails that are supposedly being closed. It would be      nice to now what they are counting and were.
    9. Collaboration meetings for Del and crew will be meeting four more times to help out with discussions on the travel plan. Good luck  to them!!
    10. Last but not least, We are asking again. What can we try and do to make a better club for our members. We have over 100 miles of  trails that we clean and help maintain. We have at least 4 trails that we  will be working over late summer with Josh. Every year we ask for new places to ride and no one brings ideas or wants to head up a ride. We need  help to make the club work.
    11. Next meeting will be in White Bird, Hoot’s Café, February 5th 7:00pm.


Still if anyone is knowing of children that need the ATV training course. Please let us know a class will be offered here soon. 839-2303

Rides for 2014

· March 16 th Hamb. Ride To Pittsburg

· April Big Canyon Cleanup

·May Kirkwood

·Away Ride: Coolwater

All Meeting @ Hoot’s Café in White Bird 7:00Pm first Wed. of every month!!

· Dec. 4

· January 8

· February 5

· March 5

· April 2

· May 7

· June 4

· July 9

· August 6

· September 3

·October 1

·November 5

·December 3


Just a reminder when you are mailing in your dues please fill out a membership form. This is the paper trail that says you paid for me. You can get a membership from the Web page or call me And I will get you one.

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