IPA Newsletter for October 2016

Happy Halloween Everyone.  October’s meeting was called to order on the 5th @ 7:10pm.

Only 11 members showed for the meeting.


  1. Bills to pay was the pint shop for $15.99.

Postage for the newsletter

  1. Question and concern form the last news letter:
  1. The Show/Shine plus swap meet for OHV’s for 2017. We will be moving forward with it.  Some of the members at the meeting had some good ideas. We had already talked about the dealers for OHV information, Idaho Parks and Recreation and the Forest Service.  Now we will try and bring the North and South committee for information, Blue Ribbon Collation, and the OHV legislative group Sandra Mitchel. That way we can have as much OHV information in one spot for people to talk to.

We would break the area into two ways. One for Information center and the other for people to look at or sell their extra’s.  The time of year is still be discussed.  But the place will be the Recreation District in White Bird.

  1. Fun Run: we will be putting it on this spring @ Fish Creek. We have two check stations done. But will be needing at least one more check station, plus some one to run sweep.  If you are interested please let us know. The time is being worked. It will have a lot to do with the snow.
  2. We are still looking for new places to ride. It seems that people like to ride around here. Del and his group are always out and about. Maybe they can pickup something new for us on the North and South trail that is close.
  1. Roads to be deconditioned. Let’s talked to the Forest Service and see if we can get some of them turned into something for the bigger size UTV’s .  Since this day and age the bigger UTV’s are coming on strong.
  2. Bud’s Saw shop will be having an open-house on Oct. 22nd they would like the club to BBQ again out back. The hours are from 11-3. We are hoping to get enough members to help cook to cover shifts again. If you are interest in helping give a call or e-mail and say what shift you would like to do. Thank you
  3. BBQer is in need of being repainted. So after the open house with Bud’s, we will be asking Mike Murphy if they would have time to look it over and repaint it. They are the ones that built it for us to start with.
  4. We still have available the OHV class if anyone is interested. We give them in Cottonwood, Grangeville and White Bird. Call 839-2303 for the next class.


  1. Next meeting will be @ Hoot’s Café 7:00pm November 2nd. Bring some more ideas for 2017.


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