IPA November’s Newsletter 2016

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. November’s meeting was quick. We had 11 members joining the IPA Crew for a night of Forest Service Information Hot Line after the reviews of what is going on for IPA.


  1. The following are two dates that are penciled in for 2017.
  1. A Fun Run @ Fish Creek June 10th. We have two of the stationed being manned. We are still looking for people to man the other two stations. We will also be looking for a person to do clean up ride for us. If you are interested in helping please e-mail or call 839-2303. Thank you
  2. “OHV Hot Spot” is being planed for May 20th in White Bird. This will have the following people to join in. Nezperce Nation Forest, Idaho Parks and Recreation, Blue Ribbon Coalition, (we hope representatives from the North, South Trail group.) Bud’s Power Sports, Tackett’s.We will be contacting more Dealers around the area: Orofino, McCall, Lewiston, Clarkston.  We will also have a “Show and Shine” for people to show off their Toys. This will be an information spot to get answers from the people that know. Also take a look at what is out or coming from the Dealers.


  1. Next month we will have to turn in riding information for 2016. So if you are interested in putting one on or have an interest in one. Please let us know.  We have a few that are being put on. Like the Hamburger ride to Pittsburg Landing, Montana Trip, and Avery. We will be putting dates to this at the next meeting.


The rest of the meeting was done with the Forest Service going over the Comments and changes that we asked for on the Travel Plan. Thank you to Scott Godfrey, Jenny Fisher, and Jermy Harris for taking the time to come down and going over the comments and maps.

  1. Was ATV vs UTV last time we looked into it . It was sales of 3 UTV’s to 1 ATV. If you watch the roads and trails you can see it. It would be nice to know what it is STATE wide. The Forest Service is aware of the turn over on 50″ and more. And they know that they need to start thinking on what is going to be done. But part of the problem is How to decipher between 50″ and more vs a jeep.  With 50″ and less and Motorcycle that was easy, Single track vs 4 wheels.
  2. The other thing for the Forest Service to think about. Is that people are wanting longer rides now days. Day rides are nice. But a lot of people won’t longer loops, so connecting trails we need to look at. The North and South Trail will be nice when it is done.
  3. Now to what we found for the trails: Most of what we commented on last time was the dates of the trails we proposed. They are wanting to open them up later. In some of the areas, It might be ok because of the snow . But others we still feel that it needs to be opened up on or before Memorial day. Due to Memorial Day is always a big Camping time for families. We will be commenting back in the next week or two.

The other one that is hot for discussion was the Meadow Creek area. We will be contacting some of the other clubs to ask what their thoughts are as well.

If you have any thoughts or ideas on any of this please share. You can either e-mail or call ([email protected] or 839-2303)

We will need to get back to the Forest Service Soon.


Next meeting is December 7th.

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