July’s Newsletter 2016

July’ s Meeting was called to order July 6th 7:00pm at the White Bird Area Recreation Dist. Building in White Bird. There was 13 members attending.


  1. Rides: War Eagle Ride is this coming weekend on the 10th. They will be leaving @ 9:00am from Alician Creek. Do to bad rocks and drain drips, the club will be going up French Creek and coming back the same way. Kerry Creek is to rough after the cat went through. Do to the rain out. The ride will be rescheduled at the next meeting.

Steak Ride  The ride has been concealed do to not enough interest.

2. Work Days: Centennial Trail Work weekend will be July 16 & 17th. Leaving both days @ 9:00 from the Campsite before Gospel Turn off road        on    the 221 road. This is the last trail we have for the Trail Ranger Program.

Rock Hauling to finish up on the 313 trail will happen that weekend as well.

All the other Trail Ranger Program  Trails are cleared. Some of them need some heavy brushing done. The Forest Service has been notified.

3.  Went over the response from the meeting with the Forest Service that happened in May.

4.  The information on ATV vs UTV sold in this area. 3 UTV’s sold to 1 ATV . Not sure on the UTV sizing. How many are 50″ or less vs over 50″. All   we know we are seeing more and more over 50″ on the trails and roads.

5.  Need to look into the State Cat trail work. Where has the cat been in Idaho and what are their regulation for working on the trails. And to see if we can get some work done on the Bullion and Scott trails. After the fire went through that area. The log’s and drain drips need some help. Some of the logs are bigger then what we should be doing. And when they are cut out, we are running out of places to put the cut out pieces.

6.  There has been some discussion on Chain Saw and break downs. Some members are wanting a little reimbursement for their saws. So we went back through the financing for the last three years and showed where the money goes. And went over what money can be spent where. At the end the constants in the group was to keep the Hats and gas Cards for those that work on the Trail Crew.  There will be No saw reimbursement or chain saw being bought through the club.  Our Crews are small volunteer groups that work hard on those days. But the trails are being opened up and kept opened by us. Thank you to those groups.

  1. For next meeting, we will be finding out on the insurance for Inc. vs Association. Would we have to buy the extra insurance for the officers if we were Inc. And if we were Inc. would that put us in a different Tax bracket.
  2. Next meeting will be Aug. 3rd @ 7:00pm at the White Bird Area Recreation Dist. Building.

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