June 2015 Newsletter

June’s meeting was called to order June 3rd, 2015. There was 16 members there to voice their options.
1. Results and comments from the Steak BBQ ride to Eagle Creek: 43 people signed up to have steak that day. But we only had 34 people show up. Thank you to those 5 people that called in and canceled early enough . And Thank you to those that stepped up to the plate and bought the remaining steaks.
All the paper work has been turned into the Fish and Game on the numbers. And we did have 3 or 4 people that did get stopped and checked for stickers that day.

2. Hamburger ride (members only) is Set for June 27th Leaving 9:00 am from the rock pit right before Gospel Turn off road. This is a 50″ or less ride on some of the trails we work on. We are asking that members bring a dish to share. This will be an all day ride. We will be leaving the rockpit, head down Slate Creek, up Dead Horse trail, Back behind Florence and then back on the Centennial trail. Hamburgers at camp.

3. Work days on the Centennial trail will be June 20 and 21st. Leaving the rockpit 9:00am. We hope to have enough members to breakup in groups and come in from two different directions. Those 30 miles can be tough if there is a lot of blow down.

4. Contract work days on the 313 trail (Heppner Trail off the Gospel Road to Adams). We have come up with two weekends. July 11 & 12 or July 18 & 19th.
We are waiting to hear back from Noel and Steve for the weekend that works for them. This is not a big project and should only take one day. But when this is done, this will finish up that trail.

5. Trail Ranger clean up days: The club members have been out working on trails.
I have been hearing that the Milner trail is done, 4-corners is being worked, 9301 trail is being worked, and McMomas Meadow is being looked into. We hope to have them all done by the end of June if every thing goes good.

6. Del H. report on the meeting that was held in Grangeville May 30th
The purpose was mainly to address the Alternatives that have come in. The travel plan will be coming out this fall for comments again. We are hoping that Ralph Rau will be coming down to talk and go over a few things about the travel plan proposels.
We are urging all OHV users to make comments when it comes out. As the club we will be writing in as well. It has been suggested that we target 4 topic when we do.
7. Meeting with Cheryl Probert: We have had a two hour meeting in Kamiah with Cheryl. We have brought her up to speed on the Idaho Pathfinders since 99 when we started the club and why. We have gone over a lot of the trails we maintain and wish to maintain for loops for us. (Or to get us off the main road) She talked with us about some things that they hope to get done soon. She is hoping to come to some of the meetings and go over a few things with the club soon.
8. The next meeting will July 8th. (Do to the Holiday falling on the first Wed. of the month)
9. OHV training classes are still being done on request in the area. We are trying to have one a month. If you know of anyone that is needing the class please give us a call 839-2303. We would be happy to give one.

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