Let’s Help a Friend We’ve Lost

Please join us at “Gary Dales Memorial ” House painting on Saturday.

..As you know we lost Gary last month due to an ATV accident.

Before passing, Gary had asked his best friend Dick if he would help paint his house this fall and Dick assured him he would. Well Gary is gone and we need some help painting the house for Garys wife Joyce.

Dick has been prepping the house for painting the last couple of weeks.

When: Please join us on Saturday September 17 @ 8:00 am.

Where: 410 2nd. Street (heading into Cottonwood take left at Buds and it is the second street on the right/2nd house) .

Although we will supply paint supplies,  please bring your favorite brush/roller.

A Gary Dale Memorial Fund has been set up at ANY Wells Fargo Bank if you would like to donate a few dollars.

Thanks to Idaho Pathfinders for their $500.00 contribution and to the other donors as well.

For details call Bob 983-5567  or Brenda @ 839-2303

Hope to see everyone there.

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