March 07, 2018 Meeting Reminder and Agenda


Your support is appreciated!

Hope you can make the meeting Wednesday March 7th at 7:00 at the Pizza Factory in Grangeville.    

AGENDA March 07, 2018

Minutes of the previous meeting on February 07, 2018

Treasurer’s Report:

Membership Update:

Thank You To:

-Bob Mangold for furnishing the United States Flag

-Dave Galantumoni & Mary Mangold for helping draft letter to Nez Perce-Clearwater NF regarding Forest Plan Revision

-Mary Mangold (Wild Web West) for her time Setting up Calendar, Forms and Paypal and her time and money for our new Email Address; [email protected]



Email  From: Sandra Mitchell

Email  From: Zoanne Anderson NEPA Planner USFS   

Out:    Letter To:   Nez Perce-Clearwater NF Zach Peterson

Committee Reports:

Matters arising from the previous minutes:

-Insurance Update-Todd




-Email Address-Mary

New Business:

-Newsletter snail mailings

-Meeting Dates

-Thank you, Get Well and Condolences

-Grant for ATV Campsite Kirkwood, Hells Canyon National Parks and Recreation: Steve Dalgliesh

– Hells Canyon Recreational Collaborative Pittsburg Landing representative from IPA:  Steve  Dalgliesh




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