March is here, Spring is here “I Think”.
March’s meeting was called to order March 4th,2020 @ The Pizza Factory Grangeville @ 7:00pm. There were eleven people attending the meeting.
Thank you goes to: Swiftwater Rv in White Bird for being a Silver Sponsor for 2020
Treasure Report was read. Les made a motion and Randy Second chose to accept the treasure report. Thank you to the following people that have paid their dues for 2020: Swiftwater RV, A & C Bolden, Del Houger, L & C Sonnenberg, D & M Bainbridge, D & P Heckman, D & S Heckman, K & L West, G & Z Bates, CB & S Tacke, B & M Mangold, D Huffman, D & K Cooper, D & B Heckman, Wes Lester, L & B Whitcomb, D & L Drake. If your name is not on the list and you paid, Thank you. It will show up on the next newsletter.
Thank you to Mary Mangold for upgrading our webpage. Hopefully when she is done. Brenda will be able to keep it updated with dates and times of events and meetings.
Brenda has been keeping in touch with Jeremy Harris about the two invoices that were sent in. One of the invoices was for the Trail Ranger Program and the other was the add trail work. Thank you to those that kept good notes on those trails.
Todd brought some news to us about the Fish Coalition. He read a brief email to us. They are recommending six areas to be non-motorized. Mallard Larkin being one of them. This group is looking for reports and recommendations for those areas. If interested in helping Call Todd 983-6033.
First Ride of the season for the club is to Pittsburgh Landing March 15th. The club will be cooking Hamburgers and Hot Dogs from 11-1(Drinks are not provided). Drive/ride over at your leisure. Follow the signs from White Bird. When you are done if you want to go up Big Canyon be careful and have fun. If you are riding over your may unload across the river at the Old Mill site. (Club members are asked to bring a dish to share)
As for the insurance for the club. Todd made a few phone calls and maybe found us some insurance out of Boise. They supply insurance for 18 clubs. When the paperwork comes, we will get it filled out and sent in. This will be for the club and the officers.
The next Few meetings will be April 1 @ 7:00pm @ the Pizza Factory
May 6th @ 7:00pm @ The White Bird Area Recreation District
June 3rd @ 7:00pm @ The Pizza Factory
July 8 @ 7:00pm @ the Pizza Factory
Aug. 5th @ 7:00pm @ the Pizza Factory
If you would like to host a place for the meeting on one of those days please let us know 839-2303 Brenda.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm Virginia made a motion and Less second it.
Special Thank you goes to Idaho County Propane for filling the propane tanks for the BBQer.