March’s Newsletter 2015

Her comes the wonderful weather to ride in. We sure can’t complain about it. Unless  you have crops or the fire season that it will bring with NO RAIN or SNOW. HUM can’t change the weather, we will just have to live with it.


  1. Hamburger ride March 15th. We will be cooking from 12-1 down at Pittsburg Landing. There is no sign in time or be back time. You can unload at the old Mill site near White Bird and ride over. Some people will be going up Big Canyon during the day. That is your choice. The cost of the BBQ (hamburgers/hotdogs) is $5.00. We are asking all members to bring a dish to share. Remember bring your own drinks.

The White Bird Community will be holding there annual sausage feed breakfast that morning. So if you want an easy quick breakfast of pancakes, sausage and eggs come and join them. They start cooking at 7:30. The breakfast is put on to help raise money for the relief fund of White Bird and the Rebekah’s .


  1. We will be work on the Kirkwood trail April 19th. Leaving Lucile 9:00am. Bring shovels, clippers, chain saws and such. We will be removing brush, big boulders and trees from the trail. Also we need to help get the word around about staying on the trail.  As we know Kirkwood and Big Canyon have been rode hard the last few weeks. And in pictures we have seen, that people are not staying on the trails. They are tearing up the hill sides. We will be trying to fix some of those spots when we go in.  But the torn up hill sides are not helping us keep trails open.  The wrong people see it and that gives them more power to close things down.
  2. Steak BBQ ride to Eagle Creek is set for May 17th. You will need to RSVP by May 1st. So we know how many to go and get.  The Staging area for the BBQ will be up towards the top. We are trying to figure out the right location. Then we will have a map for you.
  3. Bob Hafer will be checking into about getting a day trip past the lock gates down along the river from the Fish and Game.
  4. We briefly went over the Blue Ribbon’s email about Nevada- Federal Plan threatens OHV access in Nevada desert. For more information on You can go to Blue Ribbon Coalition’s web site.
  5. House Bill 129: This has to do with OHV use on Number State Highways in City Limits.  It has passed in the House Transportation Committee.  The bill now moves to the House floor .
  6. We are still working on getting a connecting trail for OHV users from sky line to Corral Creek. Several of us have talked to Jeremy about. We will be taking a closure look this spring and try and map it out better. There is also going to be a timber sale in that area. So right now is a good time to try and get it done.  If they let us.


Members that have paid: Leonard Vandyke, David Seyer, Richard Ashcraft, Bob Beeson, Al Bolden, Roger Brown, Russell Cooper, William Claar, Nicki Cannon, Bill Darwin, Don Dorris, Kathie Davis, Steve Dalgliesh, Monty Ewing, Dick G. , John Geis, Howard Guenther, Marion Gortsma, Tom Grossen, Bill Gortsma, Bill Hazelton, Del H, Bob Hafer, Ed Hafer, Don Johnston, Rick Lipitz, Ken Lauer, Wes L., Elroy Lauer, Darrel Smith, Jim St., Tom Schmidt, Les Sonnenberg, Hal Smurthwaite, Scott Scribner, Bill Stolz, Dave Todd, Rick Thanstrom, Paul Turner, Richard Uptmor, Forest Wilson, Richard Workman, Ken West, Thomas Zimmerman, Ozz Zodrow, Randy Peters , Earl Barnes, Dick Brust, Bill Spencer, Bunky Lathan, Fred Ulmer, John Earp, Dennis Bainbridge, PJ Walker, Jim McIver, Barry Merritt, Tommy Blevins, Michael Helvey, Greg Stolz, Dion Heckman, Bob Armitage, Don Eckford, Fred Arnzen, Ron Mahurin, Adam Lustig, Ed Perrine, Verginia James, Dick Erickson, Dean Heckman, Dave G.

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