Attention to all IPA Members and Guests
Because we’re unveiling our new barbecue, and also the first Wednesday of September was too close to the Labor Day weekend (last vestiges of summer), we’ve changed the date and location of this meeting only.
NEW DATE and TIME: Wednesday, September 8th at 6pm
LOCATION: The Park Behind Tacketts Yamaha Dealership on the Truck Route
We’ll have a brief overview of the Travel Management Plan and recent 3 hour meeting with the Forest Service to keep everyone posted on those updates.
We’re going to be cooking hamburgers and hotdogs as a christening of the IPA clubs NEW MOBILE Barbecue Grill. Its really nice and has lots of excellent features that we’ll all appreciate. We’ll have beverages and chips also.
This won’t be a regular business meeting since its outdoors, but more of a social meeting.
PLEASE RSVP to [email protected] or call 208-839-2302 and leave a if you plan to attend. Your RSVP will help us to determine the amount of food we need to prepare for so nobody goes away hungry.
We’ll announce some additional info about the September 26th ANNUAL IPA FUN RUN – Open to the public. So tell your friends. The location will be up at McComas Meadows.