August 7, 2019 Newsletter

August’s 7th meeting was called to order at the Pizza Factory @ 6:58. There was eleven members attending. 

Min. from the last meeting were read: Mary M. approved the min. And Les S. second it.

We like to thank this years Sponsors 2019:

Platinum Sponsors:  Central Idaho Properties-Grangeville

Buds Powersports-Cottonwood

Gold Sponsors: Gosselaar Powersports-Grangeville

Silver Sponsors:  Swiftwater RV-White Bird

P.J. Walker-Lewiston

Rick Lieptz – Pollock

Elk Creek Cabins- Karen Crosby in Elk City

Treasure report was read. Les S. approved the treasure report and Virgina second it.

As of to date there are 145 members that have paid their dues for 2019.

Information that came it on the fire situations. Burgdorf, French Creek and Wor Eagle are closed right now do to a fire. But the Darby Mt road is open right now, but check before going, because of the fires this time of year.

Ride Report: The Red River trip back in July There was only a small handful that went. Sorry we had to miss it. Maybe next time. Those that went, did the 505 south and North and some side trails as well.

The Steak ride was attended by 26 members for the day. We had two sets of leaders, do to 50” for the trails and those wider than 50” another rout. The food was amazing. And the head BBQers did a great job with steaks. Thank you everyone.

The ride that is up and coming is the Dinosaur ride in Sept. 21. We are needing to  get ahold of Bob Heifer to let us know the meeting place, time and where we are going. This will be in Pierce/Mussel shell area. The date was set Les S. approved it and Mary M second it.

Trail work: Thursday the 15th Todd and Dean were scheduled to go to McComas Meadows to try out the DR. Something came up and Todd could not make it. But Dean, Bob M. and  Ken W. went and opened up trails. They cut out 19 trees from 4:45-7:00. They will be going back up to do the brushing and try out the DR. 

As for New Business: Todd ran across a good deal for a tandem axle dump trailer. The club has a single axle trail, but for some of the big jobs we have. We are needing a bigger trailer. So the club voted and passed to by the trailer for $800. The trailer has the upgraded tires and wiring. 

Sorry the Newsletter is show short: but it was only a 30 min. Meeting. And I’m trying to get it done sorry it is late.  Next meeting is Sept 4th at 7:00pm @ the Pizza Factory

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